
Posts By Sukhada Tatke

Latest Posts | By Sukhada Tatke
Musical Manners
8 years ago

Musical Manners











On a quiet floor of Methodist Hospital, where doctors and nurses spoke in hushed tones, a group of Rice students …
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Unconventional Wisdom: Alex Byrd
8 years ago

Unconventional Wisdom: Alex Byrd

Alex Byrd ’90 knows Rice better than a lot of professors. Coming to the university from Houston’s historically black Jack Yates High School, Byrd wasn’t sure how he’d fit …
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Unconventional Wisdom: August Costa
9 years ago

Unconventional Wisdom: August Costa

August “Gus” Costa spends a lot of time thinking about the past in innovative ways. As a paleoanthropologist, Costa studies “bones and stones,” artifacts that tell a story about the …
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