
Winter 2017

Night Owl: Engineering a DJ Career
8 years ago

Night Owl: Engineering a DJ Career

BOASTING TWO CONFERENCE USA DECATHLON TITLES, a civil engineering degree and a thriving disc jockey career, Clayton Chaney’s ’13 varied passions might seem unrelated. In actuality, though, his education and …
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Breathe Easy, Repeat
8 years ago

Breathe Easy, Repeat

The boy was minutes old and near death. His breath came in shallow, rapid gasps. His mother, Mary Nankwenya, knew something was terribly wrong. When her labor had begun several …
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Dear Mr. President
8 years ago

Dear Mr. President

As they’ve done for previous administrations, fellows and scholars from Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy prepared policy briefs in their fields of expertise to present to the new …
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