
Creative arts

creative achievements

In Search Of Black Ice
7 years ago

In Search Of Black Ice

[This story was originally published in the Fall 2014 issue of Rice Magazine.]

Ulyana Horodyskyj ’07 goes to extreme measures to collect data on climate change in some of the world’s …
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A Bird’s-Eye View
7 years ago

A Bird’s-Eye View

Cin-Ty Lee arrives on campus before dawn. He does not head straight to his office, nor does he stop at the gym. Instead, for an hour or so, he …
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6DOV: Dongya Jia
7 years ago

6DOV: Dongya Jia

Jia, a fourth-year doctoral student in the systems, synthetic and physical biology program, works on uncovering mechanisms underlying metastasis and cancer metabolism. Jia is a student in the lab …
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Abstract | Winter 2017
7 years ago

Abstract | Winter 2017

Do the Math

  • The strategies once used in baseball analytics are now being applied to employee management
  • Personality traits can help predict work performance

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Breathe Easy, Repeat
8 years ago

Breathe Easy, Repeat

The boy was minutes old and near death. His breath came in shallow, rapid gasps. His mother, Mary Nankwenya, knew something was terribly wrong. When her labor had begun several …
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Dear Mr. President
8 years ago

Dear Mr. President

As they’ve done for previous administrations, fellows and scholars from Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy prepared policy briefs in their fields of expertise to present to the new …
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A Parliament of Election Experts
8 years ago

A Parliament of Election Experts

These days, just about the only thing Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on is that the 2016 presidential election has been one of the most consequential in American history. …
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ABSTRACT | Fall 2016
8 years ago

ABSTRACT | Fall 2016

Future Humans: Inside the Science of Our Continuing Evolution Scott Solomon (Yale University Press, 2016)

Modern humans aren’t an evolutionary end point, posits Scott Solomon, a professor in …
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Coral Reef Research
8 years ago

Coral Reef Research

Videographer Brandon Martin accompanied Rice Earth Science Professor André Droxler and graduate students to Belize’s coast to study coral reef health. The field trip was a part of a graduate level …
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8 years ago


Geoffrey Herd
 Herd is a violinist and the founder and director of the Geneva Music Festival, who has performed throughout Asia and Latin America. …
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